Budget Year: 2025
Graduate Affairs provides the Ratchadapiseksomphot Research Funds, Faculty of Medicine, for Postdoctoral Fellowship to promote and support effective research that can be published in international journals and develop new researchers who hold a PhD or equivalent.
Scholarship Consideration Criteria
For Advisors :
1.) Must be a full-time faculty member at Chulalongkorn University.
2.) Must have track record of being the first or corresponding author on at least one Tier 1 (Science & Technology) within the last three years (2021-2024). Must also demonstrate collaboration with a university ranked in the Top 100 of the World University Ranking / Top 100 in World Subject Ranking (QS or THE) or with a top research institute.
3.) Must meet submission criteria and deadlines. A history of delayed submissions, or failure to meet project deadlines, or cancellation without returning funds, may impact eligibility unless a committee grants an exception confirming no outstanding obligations with the university.
***Eligible to apply for only one scholarship at a time, with a maximum of four concurrent scholarships, including this one.
For Postdocs :
1.) Must hold a Ph.D. with a thesis component and have at least one international publication in Q1 as the first author.
2.) Must be under 45 years of age on the date of application.
3.) Track Record: Assessment of researcher’s publication history and educational background.
4.) Must have no record of contract violations or misconduct.
Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent and be available to work full-time in the respective department, research institute, or industry throughout the scholarship period. Cannot hold another scholarship concurrently.
Must have a research project with oversight by a faculty member or advisor to support research activities throughout the scholarship duration.
Types of Scholarships
Track A : At least one publication in a Tier 1 journal
Monthly stipend : 40,000 THB.
Performance guarantee for researchers: 120,000 THB.
Performance guarantee for advisors: 40,000 THB.
Track B : At least one publication in Q1
Monthly stipend : 30,000 THB.
Performance guarantee for researchers: 120,000 THB.
Performance guarantee for advisors: 30,000 THB.
Note: Performance guarantee applies to faculty and researchers who meet submission deadlines or extend the deadline by no more than six months.
Publication in an international academic journal indexed in ISI or SCOPUS within one year after the scholarship ends.
Recipients must publish or have received publication acceptance for at least:
One Q1 or Q2 research article per year, or
One top 10% research article every two years, or
One Q1 or Q2 research article and one review article every two years.
Application Rounds
Round 2: Open from December 1–15, 2024; work begins on February 1, 2025.
Round 3: Open from February 15–March 15, 2025; work begins on May 1, 2025.
** For more infomation and to apply the scholarship https://grantgateway.research.chula.ac.th/www/Home/index
- E-mail: mdcu.cpt@gmail.com
- K. Achiraya Mokkasak Tel. 02-256-4475 ext. 18
- K. Kanta Wattanaserikul Tel. 02-256-4475 ext. 14