Our new students were cordially welcomed by Prof. Nattiya Hirankarn,M.D., Ph.D., (Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs and Program Director), who delivered a warm welcome speech and provided an introduction to the Medical Sciences Program. Following this, Assoc. Prof. Wanla Kulwichit, M.D., (Associate Dean for Education Innovations and IT), conducted a session introduction to the library resources, online databases, and research tools. Subsequently, Asst. Prof. Thananya Thongtan, Ph.D., (Committee and Secretary of the IRB-MDCU Board), led a session on the introduction of Research Ethics and IRB submission. In addition, Asst. Prof. Chalisa Louicharoen Cheepsunthorn, Ph.D., (Assistant Dean for Graduate Affairs), offered valuable guidance to our new students during the Student Journal to Graduation session. Furthermore, the event featured a mini presentation of thesis proposals by our new students.